We're now going to tackle punctuation rules. Take advantage of these rules for it will help you get high marks especially in the IELTS writing module.
So, when do you use a period?
1) You use a period when ending a complete sentence.
Example: This is a familiar way of using a period.
2) You use a period when it comes to money and percentages. The period in this case is known as a decimal point.
Examples: P2.50 or 99.9%
3) You use a period after initials in people's names.
Example: I read a book written by J.K. Rowling.
4) You use a period when dealing with some abbreviations. Here, consulting your dictionary helps, unless you're sure about a particular abbreviation.
Examples: Jan. (January), Mon. (Monday), Sen. (Senator), lb. (pound), R.P. (Republic of the Philippines), Inc. (Incorporated), etc.
Attribution to Rebecca Elliot and her book Painless Grammar (c) 2006, 1997
Other punctuation marks:
Question Marks
Exclamation Points
Parentheses, Brackets, or Dashes