March 23, 2013

Weekly Finds: March 23, 2013

A Man With Magnifying Glass by digitalart
Image courtesy of digitalart /

Every week, we’ll be sharing a list of posts, stories, news, or opinions that we've run across the Internet during the past week or two. We won't be discussing them in detail here, but we do encourage you to check them out as they could contain valuable ideas and insights for your IELTS exam.

If you're ready, here we go...



Let's refresh our knowledge of adjectives with this lesson.

The Colon: Its Use in Punctuation

Here's a post about how to properly use and punctuate the colon (:).


Smarts vs. Struggle: Cultural Perceptions of Learning » Sociological Images


The Visual You: Why Body Language Matters when You Speak


Phrasal Verbs: To Let

The author invites us to take a look at some phrasal verbs using the verb "To Let."